A major focus of my website which includes my Blog posts – https://havepositiveimpact.com/ – is helping readers to identify and find the right job. It is populated with dozens of resources that I have used for over forty years in my leadership and career consulting and coaching. I no longer do that coaching with clients, having replaced it with helping individuals through my writings to identify how they can have a positive impact that benefits the greater good.
There is no fee or registration when using my website. You do not need to sign in and no information is kept about those who visit the site. You will never, ever hear from me if you use the site.
If you click on the Workshops section of the Home Page of the website, you will be taken to the following offering.
Each of these three programs includes a power point presentation, an explanation of each slide in the power point, and a participant guide, yours to download and use for free. These programs can be presented to membership organizations and to for profit and non-profit employers large and small.
• Making the Most of Your 2nd Fifty Years
• Career Exploration & Job Search Strategies for Any Job in Any Sector
• Having a Positive Impact for the Common Good
If you have experience presenting workshops you can use the materials in the zip files of interest, edit the program in any way you want, and charge what is your normal fee for that service. Please do not mention my name or company if you do that. These materials are all yours if you download them.
What follows is only the outline of the power point offering for the program: CAREER EXPLORATION & JOB SEARCH: FOR ANY JOB IN ANY SECTOR
There is further “how to” content in each power point slide. I will be describing the other two free program offerings in future posts.
Slide 1: Power point cover slide
Slide 2: Introduction. I wanted to be very clear in this introduction that those who have landed on a website that has as a major focus helping for the common good and are not interested in just looking at common good options have this resource they can use for their career exploration and job search in any field for any job.
Slide 3: Key Resource #1.
Slide 4: Key Resource #2.
Slide 5: Identifying a preliminary focus for your career exploration and job search.
Slide 6: Perceived areas of competence you would not give up.
Slide 7: What work environment reflects your
Slide 8: What do you really want to be doing?
Slide 9: Creating flow: who were you when you were at your best?
Slide 10: The importance of mental training to reach your goals.
Slide 11: The Peak Performance Mindset: Writing Your Personal Mission Statement.
Have a happy, healthy, and impactful year,
Peter Prichard