This is article number 7 in this 9 part series on positive news networks that can help create positive results personally and globally. This article is from UK based Positive News – – “The magazine for good journalism about the good things that are happening.”
“What went right this week: reviving Britain’s ‘lost’ rainforests, plus more Words by Gavin Haines February 2, 2023 “Britain’s rainforests got a boost, Europe embraced slow travel, and the UK’s green sector defied the economic gloom, plus more This week’s good news roundup Britain’s rainforests got a boost It might surprise readers to learn that Britain even has temperate rainforests, but fragments of these habitats remain along the Atlantic coast – and this week a project launched to expand them. On Wednesday, the Wildlife Trusts, a conservation charity, embarked on a 100-year initiative to protect and enlarge Britain’s temperate rainforests, thanks to a £38m donation from the insurance firm Aviva. Rainforests grew all along the Atlantic coast of Britain hundreds of years ago, but now cover less than 1 per cent of the island. They are vital carbon sinks, bastions of biodiversity and inspire awe. With the climate and nature crises intensifying, restoring them is an obvious solution. These woods are magical and much loved by those who visit and live near them,” said Craig Bennett, chief executive of The Wildlife Trusts. “We’re looking forward to working with communities to bring back rainforests along the Atlantic coast.” Image: The Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest