On the first page of the book Dispatches from the Culture Wars: How the Left Lost Teen Spirit, Danny Goldberg writes the following, “A political ideology whose purpose is to help and empower ordinary people is often directed by leaders and strategists to whom the public is an alien beast and to whom young people seem to be, astonishingly, irrelevant.” That book was written in 2003 and describes a current reality where young people are marginalized at best. What follows are multiple examples of how young people are in fact […]
Read MoreBlog
This blog is designed to help people who want to improve our world—in even a very small way-to learn a variety of practical ways to do that.
Mission Statements Fuel Peak Performance
In my years of experience as a career and leadership development consultant there are two books that I have referred to hundreds of individuals I have coached that speak brilliantly to the topic of this article. The first is, Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World’s Greatest Athletes by Charles Garfield Ph.D. A world class weight lifter, Garfield provides solid research and first-hand experience with peak performing athletes. The second is the world-wide best seller by Stephen Covey titled, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in […]
Read MoreLooking at Career Options? What’s Your Anchor?
There are literally thousands of resources designed to help individuals figure out their career direction and the next steps they might take. One of the most popular, easiest to use and understand, and impactful is Dr. Edgar Schein’s Career Anchors questionnaire. The Pfeiffer Career Series revised edition of Career Anchors: Discovering Your Real Values by Dr. Schein is a book “designed to help you to identify your career anchor and to think about how your values relate to your career choices…Your career anchor is a combination of perceived areas of competence, […]
Read MoreThe Power of the Humble Leader
Jim Collins – www.jimcollins.com– is one of the most respected researchers on the topic of leadership and the author of the international bestseller Good to Great. His website is an extremely rich resource into his 25 years of research into what makes good organizations tick. Since all my articles deal with how to work, live and/or lead for the common good, defined as – any idea, plan or actual deed that will benefit a community and not just help a select few – his work is appropriate considering what he […]
Read MoreYour Ten Second Moment of Positive Impact

This column is for people of any age and background who want to have a positive impact. It will provide very concrete and actionable ideas about how to do that. It will focus on how to find work that allows you to have a positive impact, and how to act at work in a positive way. It will give examples of how to live your life in a way that has a positive impact. Finally, it will provide examples of how to lead others in a way that has a […]
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