I received an email from a close friend after the election results were finalized who was asking me what progressive organizations existed where she could contribute moving forward.
Here is a copy from the Startguide Home Page of a publication they provide to the public of the 500 Leading U.S. Progressive Organizations. This post is meant to educate you about this option and if you are interested in finding specific organization names go to their website and you will find links to all the organizations in their Guide.
“START – https://startguide.org/
is a process that enables individual’s and small groups of people to better understand what is wrong with our world, develop a vision of a better society, and figure out effective strategies for moving from here to there. To learn more about START and its history, see Chapter 1 of the START Study Guide.
Collected here is a list including names and brief descriptions of approximately 500 leading organizations in the United States working for progressive change on a national level, grouped into categories that roughly describe the main focus of their work. USE THE SEARCH BOX ON “STARTS” WEBSITE TO FIND THE ORGANIZATION BY NAME.
‘START – Study, Think, Act, Respond Together
Study guide, progressive on-line readings, and organizations.
Progressive U.S. Organizations List
1. Progressive Electoral Politics Organizations
1.1. Progressive Political Parties
1.2. Progressive State and Local Legislation Groups
1.3. Progressive Lobbying and Electoral Action Groups
1.4. Progressive Democratic Party Election Groups
1.5. Progressive Voter Engagement Groups
1.6. Election Reform Groups
1.7. Government Accountability Groups
2. Peace and U.S. Foreign Policy Organizations
2.1. Coalitions of Peace Groups
2.2. General Peace Groups
2.3. Veterans Peace Groups
2.4. Women’s Peace Groups
2.5. Student Peace Groups
2.6. Nuclear Weapons-Focused Groups
2.7. Peace Building Groups
2.8. Conscientious Objection to War Groups
2.9. Religious Peace Groups
2.10. Nonviolent Peacemaker Groups
2.11. Nonviolent Action Policy Groups
2.12. Other Specialized Peace Groups
2.13. Peace Policy Institutes
3. International Justice Organizations
3.1. International Human Rights Groups
3.2. Regional Human Rights Groups
3.3. International Economic Justice Groups
3.4. International Development Groups
4. Economic Justice Organizations
4.1. Worker Justice and Democracy Groups
4.2. International Worker Justice and Democracy Groups
4.3. Anti-Poverty and Low Income Housing Groups
4.4. Anti-Poverty Policy Groups
4.5. Employment Groups
4.6. Economic Justice Groups
4.7. Anti-Corporate Domination Groups
4.8. Progressive Economic Research Groups
4.9. Progressive Tax Groups
4.10. Consumer Protection Groups
4.11. Socially Responsible Business Groups
4.12. Worker Ownership Groups
4.13. Government Programs Preservation Groups
5. Civil Liberties Organizations
5.1. Civil Liberties Groups
5.2. Electronic Privacy Groups
5.3. Freedom of Religion Groups
6. Social Justice Organizations
6.1. Civil Rights Groups
6.2. Civil Rights Constituency Groups
6.3. Legal Defense of Civil Rights Groups
6.4. Immigration Rights Groups
6.5. Criminal Justice Groups
6.6. Groups Challenging Capital Punishment
6.7. Community Organizing Groups
6.8. Disability Rights Groups
6.9. Elder Advocacy Groups
6.10. Children Advocacy Groups
6.11. Family Advocacy Groups
6.12. Feminist / Women’s Liberation Groups
6.13. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Liberation Groups
6.14. Family Planning Groups
7. Health Advocacy Organizations
7.1. Healthcare Advocacy Groups
7.2. Anti-Smoking Groups
8. Environmental Organizations
8.1. Broad-Focus Environmental Groups
8.2. Environmental Groups Focused on Climate Change
8.3. Environmental Groups Focused on Energy and Mining
8.4. Forest Protection Groups
8.5. Other Specific-Focus Environmental Groups
8.6. International-Focus Environmental Groups
8.7. Environmental Research and Public Policy Groups
8.8. Conservation Groups
9. Other Progressive Issue Organizations
9.1. Progressive Media Reform Groups
9.2. Civic and Neighborhood Groups
9.3. Progressive Rural Groups
9.4. Progressive Education Reform Groups
9.5. Gun Control Groups
9.6. Ending Hunger Groups
9.7. Food Safety and Biotechnology Groups
9.8. Humane Treatment of Animals Groups
10. Progressive Cultural Change Organizations
10.1. Simple Living Advocacy Groups
10.2. Cooperative Living Advocacy Groups
10.3. Other Progressive Cultural Change Groups
11. Progressive Constituency Organizations
11.1. Progressive Labor Unions
11.2. Progressive Religious Groups
11.3. Progressive Humanist Groups
11.4. Progressive Lawyer Groups
11.5. Progressive Scientist Groups
11.6. Other Progressive Professional Groups
12. Progressive Infrastructure Organizations
12.1. General Progressive Policy Groups
12.2. General Legal Support Groups
12.3. Progressive Training and Education Groups
12.4. Progressive Foundations
12.5. Progressive Groups Monitoring Foundations
12.6. Other Progressive Support Groups”