My taxi driver and I just ended up in tears. When I got in the cab, I asked how his day was going. He said it was really quiet and he was thinking it might not be worth working the afternoon.
The fare at the end was £9.50. I told him to charge it at £40 and I hoped that would improve his day.
He looked at me and said, “Sorry, can you say the amount again?” I repeated it. He sat there in shock the told me he couldn’t accept it.
“Please, it will make me happy. I had a great last week and I hope this will set off a great week for you.”
His eyes filled with tears. “No one has ever done anything like this for me,” he said.
His tears made me cry, and then we laughed.
He checked again before putting it through. “Are you really sure?” I was.
Just as I went to get out, he reached his hand to the back. I took his hand and he squeezed as he looked at me earnestly. “Thank you,” he said.
I don’t normally share moments like this. I share random acts of kindness multiple times a week.
My dad raised me that way. He said, “Sweetheart, you never know if you are meeting someone on the worst day of their life. Always be kind. You might be the best thing about their day. And your actions might be a sign to them that everything will be OK.”
So, I wanted to share my dad’s words with you.
And it doesn’t have to monetary. We can be kind through a compliment. Or an offer of assistance. Or something even as small as a smile or friendly conversation.
Often we want to make a huge difference in the world through our ‘purpose’. And we absolutely can.
But the greatest difference you make is through your embodiment. It’s how you show up in the world every day – not just to friends, family and clients, but to the people you will never see again.
My dad taught me that.
I hope, through the publication of positive stories and resources, to energize readers to take their own actions to make our world a better place. If you are already there, thanks!!
Have a healthy and impactful life, Peter Prichard
-WEBSITE/BLOG – Have Positive Impact – https://havepositiveimpact.com/