David Byrne is a singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, actor, writer, music theorist, visual artist, and filmmaker. He was a founding member, principal songwriter, lead singer, and guitarist of the American band Talking Heads. He has received an Academy Award, Grammy Award, Special Tony Award and a Golden Globe Award and been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He is obviously a very talented guy who has used his multiple skills to have a positive impact his whole life. Click the link that follows and you will be taken to his “Reasons to be Cheerful” online magazine. It is well worth a look and is a source of many positive impact actions. I have provided links at the end of this post to a few examples.
His online magazine was brought to my attention by my consultant and musician friend John Sobecki, whose Blog I have been reading for many years: http://secondchancedance.blogspot.com/ – “This then is a collection of reflections and comments on life, work, love and faith to be sung, and danced to, in thanksgiving for a second chance.”
Here are a few online magazine articles I pulled from the Reasons to be Cheerful magazine link John sent me:
–Does No-Resumé, No-Interview Hiring Work? New Data Say Yes By: Charlie Metcalfe • 5 min read
–Over 2,000 Companies Buy and Sell Recycled Plastic at This Online Marketplace By: Michaela Haas • 6 min read
–The Denver High School Where Teens Get Sober By: Stephanie Daniel • 5 min read
-Black Churches in California Lead the Way to Quality End-of-Life Care By: Sandra Larson • 5 min read
There are obviously many daily positive impact examples in those and other articles in Byrne’s on line magazine. Definitely worth a look by anyone interested in positive impact.
Have a healthy, positive and impactful life,
Peter Prichard CMF
-WEBSITE/BLOG – https://havepositiveimpact.com/