What follows are sites that focus on the importance of kindness and provide hundreds of examples:
–Random Acts of Kindness – www.randomactsofkindness.org
–Kindness is free – https://www.kindnessisfree.org/
–Daily Dose Of Kindness – https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/daily-dose-of-kindness
–Kindness 101 – On The Road – Steve Hartman – https://www.cbsnews.com/evening-news/on-the-road/
Thanks Tom O’Keeffe for this post.
I hope, through the publication of positive stories and resources, to energize readers to take their own actions to make our world a better place. If you are already there, thanks!!
Have a healthy and impactful life, Peter Prichard
-WEBSITE/BLOG – Have Positive Impact: