This was my beautiful wife this past January getting ready to go in to take her exam for Chief Petty Officer. She was in between chemo rounds, and fighting fatigue, chemo sickness and chemo brain. When she got home and I asked her how she did, she said “I prayed my way through the exam so it’s all in God’s hands.”
Today, the Navy publicly released the advancement results for Chief Petty Officer and she was selected! For those of you that don’t know, being selected for Chief is a huge milestone in her career. I am SO proud of her!
This year has been a tough one on her, but she never stopped fighting. She always relied on her faith. She never gave up. She is a true FIGHTER.
Congratulations, Chief Select. I’m proud of you and I love you! 

Credit: Grayson Rogers
Things We Love To See – kindly9.com
The focus of my Daily Positive Impact posts is to provide readers with sites that make available resources focused on creating positive impact, amusing stories that help us all smile during these difficult times, and examples of positive daily actions that have been taken that are included to energize readers to take their own actions to make our world a better place. If you are already there, thanks!!
Have a healthy, positive and impactful life,
Peter Prichard CMF
-WEBSITE/BLOG – https://havepositiveimpact.com/
-AUTHOR – the International #1 Amazon Bestseller and Readers’ Favorite 5 Star Award Recipient – “Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times” – https://www.amazon.com/dp/1732793808
Readers Favorite 5 Star Review stated, “If you want to make a difference in the world, but don’t know where to start, or want to make a difference in your own life, but don’t know how, this book was written for you.”
100% of the revenue from the sale of my 3 books available on Amazon goes to organizations (links below) supporting the themes of those books:
–LESSENING INSTANCES OF SEXUAL ASSAULT AND BULLYING (DAWN OF HOPE – www.theuncomfortableconversation.org and https://www.stopitnow.org/ ),
–INCREASING INSTANCES OF POSITIVE IMPACT (Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times mentioned above).
–INCREASING INSTANCES OF POSITIVE IMPACT (Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times mentioned above).
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