As I have mentioned in a few previous posts, a major focus of my website which includes my Blog posts – https://havepositiveimpact.com/ – is helping readers to identify and find the right job. It is populated with dozens of resources that I have used for over forty years in my leadership and career consulting and coaching. I no longer do that coaching with clients, having replaced it with helping individuals through my writings to identify how they can have a positive impact that benefits the greater good. So my website will not be trying to encourage you to reach out to me for consulting services. You will see my three books described. The revenue from the sale of each of those books, which support my mission to lessen tobacco deaths, instances of sexual assault and bullying and increase positive impact in our world goes to organizations that support my passionate desire to impact each of those three areas. There is no fee or registration when using my website. You do not need to sign in and no information is kept about those who visit the site. You will never hear from me if you use the site.
In the: IDENTIFYING ORGANIZATIONS & JOBS OF INTEREST portion of my website you will see a section titled: RESOURCES FOR FINDING JOBS IN SPECIFIC POSITIVE IMPACT/COMMON GOOD SECTORS. In that section are sites I have found in my own research on some of the Positive Impact/Common Good sector employers. These lists will provide you with examples of how to look at all of the categories of Common Good employers that you might identify by subject. The major job-search engines and the multiple sources mentioned at the beginning of this Identifying Organizations and Jobs of Interest section will also have job listings in most of these categories.
If the Common Good/Positive Impact focus of this post does not interest you, please consider sending this information to those in your network who do have that interest.
Warm regards, Peter Prichard