This compelling story was posted through Images you Won’t see on T.V. – https://linktr.ee/Imagesyouwontseeontv
Many of the daily positive impact successes that are happening are occurring because of couples sharing mutual interests or friends and/or groups coming together to have a positive impact.
Have a healthy, positive and impactful life,
Peter Prichard CMF
-WEBSITE/BLOG – https://havepositiveimpact.com/
-AUTHOR – the International #1 Amazon Bestseller and Readers’ Favorite 5 Star Award Recipient – “Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times” –
Readers Favorite 5 Star Review stated, “If you want to make a difference in the world, but don’t know where to start, or want to make a difference in your own life, but don’t know how, this book was written for you.”
100% of the revenue from the sale of my 3 books goes to organizations supporting the themes of those books: lessening instances of sexual assault and bullying
( www.theuncomfortableconversation.org ), lessening deaths by tobacco ( www.tobaccofreekids.org ), and increasing instances of positive impact (dozens of related resources in my non-fiction book mentioned above).
#positiveimpact #positive #kindnessmatters