This is the final article in this 9 part series on positive news networks that can help create positive results because we are surrounded by negative news daily and “The health benefits of positive emotions is well documented. They improve physical health. They buffer against depressive symptoms and help people recover from stress” Positive Emotions and Wellbeing, Marianna Pogosyan, Ph.D.
This article describes the positive news site TED – https://www.ted.com/ an organization “on a mission to discover and spread ideas that spark imagination, embrace possibility and catalyze impact…In addition to the TED Talks curated from our annual conferences and published on TED.com, we produce original podcasts, short video series, animated TED-Ed lessons and TV programs that are translated into more than 100 languages and distributed via partnerships around the world.”
Here are examples of some of the Ted Talk offerings since January 1st of this year: “A for-profit mindset for nonprofit success”, “The secret of making new friends as an adult”, “The one question every aspiring leader needs to ask”, “Can we feed ourselves without devouring the planet”, “How to recognize privilege – and uplift those without it”, “The secret to a happy life-lessons from 8 decades of research”, “Why nurses are key to medical innovation”, “How Black queer culture shaped history”, “How bad data traps people in the US justice system” etc. etc.
There are over 4,200 Ted Talks on the site. I will not be providing one of these talks in the way I have posted articles in the previous eight posts because they are all talks and not easy to summarize in a short article.
And finally, below are the links to the nine positive news sites in this series, if you have not previously seen all the posts.
Have a positive and impactful year and life,
Peter Prichard
Website/Blog- https://havepositiveimpact.com/
Author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller and Readers’ Favorite 5 Star Award Recipient -Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times – https://www.amazon.com/dp/1732793808
The Nine positive news links:
Image from Idealist – https://www.idealist.org/