This is a very informative list of our Presidents and how they rank:
DONALD TRUMP is ranked 43rd (“Donald Trump has the dubious honor of being the only U.S. president to face impeachment twice. His highest rankings were in luck, public persuasion and willingness to take risks — but he ranks low due to his weakening of the presidential office itself.”)
JOE BIDEN is ranked 19th (“It’s always difficult to accurately rate a president who is still in office, but historians like Biden for his integrity, ability to compromise and his executive and court appointments. However, he scores lower in his relationship with Congress and ability to communicate.”)
BARACK Obama is ranked 11th (“His signature domestic policy accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was unpopular with Republicans but extended health insurance coverage to 20 million Americans.
His administration helped guide the country through the Great Recession and rescued the U.S. auto industry. A wildly popular president, he moved out of the top 10 for 2022, partly due to his dealings with Congress and international relations.”)