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Have a Positive Impact
Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times - back cover
Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times
Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times

This timely book provides dozens of suggestions and resources that help readers understand how they can have a positive impact on the world around them. more>>

“If you want to make a difference in the world, but don't know where to start, or want to make a difference in your own life, but don't know how, this book was written for you.”

Have a Positive Impact
Have a Positive Impact
During Uncertain Times
During Uncertain Times

Understand how you can have a positive impact on the world around you. more>>

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Find your Ideal Career
and an employer that
shares your values

You Can Make a Difference

Find your Ideal Career

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You Can Make a Difference
Have a Positive Impact
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Workshops & Free Guides
“Peter is one of the best facilitators that I have ever observed .”

“Peter is one of the best facilitators
that I have ever observed .”

How to make the most of your second 50 years *
How to work, live and lead for the common good *
Career exploration & job search in any sector *

*Power point presentations and participant guides
now available for you to download and use for free

Workshops & Free Guides
Dawn of Hope Back Cover
Dawn of Hope Cover
Dawn of Hope

In this novel, Dawn Mortenson energizes readers through her bravery and how she overcomes the pervasive “you can’t do that” attitude of those she comes to know.

Amazon reviews


"We just might have the beginnings of a super heroine series on our hands." - Douglas Ferguson

Dawn of Hope Cover
Dawn of Hope

"We just might have the beginnings of a super heroine series on our hands." - Douglas Ferguson

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Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times

Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.
Golda Meir

There are two related concepts that drive the content of this site. The first is the fact that individuals can have a Positive Impact through who they are as a person and the particular actions that they take. The second is that there are Common Good employers and jobs through which people’s lives are impacted in a positive way.

Does that preclude you from gaining value from this site if neither of those related concepts are of interest to you. Absolutely Not!

As a career coach, leadership development consultant, motivational speaker, and writer I have spent my whole career helping thousands of individuals on six continents to lead lives with which they are satisfied and energized. The kind of work they were looking to do and/or the type of environment in which they wanted to work has not mattered. I have helped individuals move toward impactful jobs in non-profit, for-profit, and educational organizations.

I awakened to the cry that people have the power to redeem the work of fools.
Patti Smith

Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain TimesAn additional resource is the recently published Have a Positive Impact During Uncertain Times. This book is an Amazon #1 International Bestseller that also received the Readers Favorite 5 Star Review that stated, “If you want to make a difference in the world, but don’t know where to start, or want to make a difference in your own life, but don’t know how, this book was written for you.”

This timely book provides hundreds of suggestions and resources that help readers understand how they can have a positive impact on the world around them. See a further explanation of the book by clicking on this link, or Buy Now on Amazon.

I wish you the best in your exploration.

Peter Prichard

There is no passion to be found in playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
Nelson Mandela

Careers: Identifying and Finding the Ideal Job

Learn to identify what you have to offer to an employer. This section includes links to a number of assessment exercises that help you identify your skills, personality profile, work values and types of work you prefer. There are also resources that help you find fantastic places to work. These are very concrete, actionable resources that can be used by individuals of any age, background, educational level etc.
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All for One Peter Prichard has helped thousands of individuals and groups identify and reach goals that allow them to be more successful and satisfied. Three of his proven presentations are now available for you to download and use for free!
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Positive Resources for Positive Impact

It is critical for those who want to have Positive Impact to stay positive, healthy, happy and resilient. These powerful articles and links help maintain the frame of mind critical for success.
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The Novel Dawn of Hope

Dawn of Hope centers on the actions of a High School senior, Dawn Mortenson, as she fights to lessen the acceptance of sexual assault and bullying in the town because “boys will be boys.” Her actions put her life in danger, but ultimately show that with courage and determination you can have a positive impact that changes many lives.

“Dawn of Hope by Peter Prichard isn’t a must read. It’s a HAVE to read!!” Coco, Amazon review
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